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Twoleftfeet - or how to avoid trouble and get your money back


i just want to tell you something about an english company we had not very good experience with.
Company name is twoleftfeet in Bredford. The company sells baby stuff like pushchairs, buggies, car seats so everything what could be linked to a baby. My wife and i placed an order in June 2008, two months before due date. After we placed our order we got a quick email back and we were told the pushchair would be delivered in the next 14 days. After the first two weeks we called them asking when they would deliver the goods. Answer was they had some problems but they would deliver within the next 10 days. After 24 days we called them again, but from now we were not able to talk to aftersales anymore. The only number we could dial was 01234 857777 - the ladies who answered the phone had not put us through to the responsible department or person.

We had a rather uncertain 2 months (as we heard nothing from two left feet), 5 days before due date we decided to order the same buggy at Johnlewis. They were able to deliver within 3(!) days.

This was our story in short form, you want some more ?? check this out :







i could do this for hours, but what i won't find is more positive than negative reviews. To me the company is an absolute disaster and very close to fraud (thats what the reviewers said in the links above) !

How did we get our money back ? Actually i think thats the way twoleftfeet makes money. Out of all shoppers there must be a number of people who dont know how to get the funds back and after a couple of months they give up and write the money off. So for those who dont know what to do, please cancel the order and if you dont get a refund 30 days later claim your money back - go to the small claims court page which comes here :


So good luck to get your money back.

As a little treat i just want to show you the companies letterhead. What is that ? Hairy legs in boots ? That has nothing to do with the company ? But that tells a lot about the company....


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